oct. 27th 2024 @ 7:55pm
Today I took some pictures around my room with my sony mavica FD91!! I need to update that cameras page here now, but here is a picture I took of my smiskis!!

I also went to a music store to look for CDs. I was really hoping to find The Cure: Greatest Hits, and I found it (The place I went to yesterday didn't have it)! This place had a bunch of other CDs I want, so I'll definitely be returning. One cool thing this place had were Japanese Bowie CDs.

sept. 26th 2024 @ 2:24pm
I swear I'm not dead. I just moved and now I'm starting classes. 
sept. 13th 2024 @ 2:44am
I have green, sometimes blue hair. Today I was waiting in line for food and I heard a small child say "Why does she have green hair?" The kid then had a sweet conversation with his mom. This interaction made me happy.
I recently "unlocked" a new pastime, google maps. A few weeks ago I saw this instagram reel of an artist talking about how he likes to use google map as a tool for references and inspiration, and ever since I heard that I have wanted to spend some time looking around random places on google maps. I finally got around to doing that. I had a lot of fun going to random places, mostly in Japan, and looking around and taking screenshots of things I thought were cool or interesting. It reminds me of walking around with one of my cameras and doing the exact same thing. It was really fun and I will definitely do this again. I also hope to make a page on here to showcase the pictures I "take."

I wanted to include just one picture in this entry, but it was hard to choose just one.